Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Enjoying the #street performers in #Avignon

One of the greatest experiences you can have while traveling is to throw out your itinerary and stop to enjoy the little moments.

While we were in Avignon and on our way to visit the The Palais des Papes, we heard some jazz coming from around the street corner. Mini-Lili loves music and she loves to dance so we went off to see where the music was coming from. A group of musicians was playing The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Mini-Lili was enthralled with both the musicians and the music.

We stayed for several songs resulting in getting to The Palais de Papes after closing. Although I was disappointed not to be visiting one of the largest and most important medieval Gothic buildings in Europe, I was happy to have shared the experience of street performers with my young daughter.

We have often thrown out our map (not really but have closed it for the day) and followed the small meandering D and N roads (an earlier blog) ending up in cute and charming villages.

It is important to be flexible when traveling- you never know what you will hear coming from around the corner.

Bon voyage!

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